
Showing posts from July, 2015

ANT Installation for Salesforce deployments

I. Download ANT Apache: ------------------ 1. Download ANT apache : click  ANT FILE , you can see ".zip archive" file link under "Current Release of Ant" section, you might get this tipe of zip file : "" (july 2015 version), and also download Java  JDK FILE ------------------ Ant Apache : II. Installation: ------------------ 2. Copy/cut the zip file for example : "". 3. Go to any drive, for example "D", and create 1 folder name "ANT". 4. Paste the zip file under "ANT" folder 5. Extract the zip file , by right click "Extract here" (do extract in same folder), you see 1 folder(like : "c") click the folder, you can see 4 folders and n number of files, for us "bin" and "lib" is important. ------------------ III. Integrate with Salesforce: ------------------ 6. Download salesforce migration tool : Login to s